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mont blanc 〔法語〕 白朗峰〔阿爾卑斯山脈的最高峰〕。

mont blanc ruby

In those days , i lived in the rue de provence ; i walked down the rue du mont blanc , crossed the boulevard , went along the rue louis - le - grand , the rue de port - mahon and the rue d antin . i looked up at marguerite s windows 我那時住在普羅旺斯街,我沿著勃朗峰街前進,穿過林蔭大道,經過路易大帝街和馬洪港街,最后來到了昂坦街,我望了望瑪格麗特的窗戶。

Having passed through the rue mont blanc , guided by the instinct which leads thieves always to take the safest path , he found himself at the end of the rue lafayette . there he stopped , breathless and panting 穿過蒙勃蘭克路以后,憑著每個竊賊避開城柵的本能,他發覺自己已到了拉法葉特路的盡頭,他在那兒上氣不接下氣地停下來。

No banishment , indeed , to the south pole , or to the summit of mont blanc , can separate us so entirely from our fellow creatures as a prolonged sojourn in the seclusion of an inner vice 的確,放逐到南極或布朗山峰頂,所造成的與同胞隔離,還遠遠比不上我們長期耽溺于內在邪惡的隱癖。

And this would help him to understand why constructing artificial flowers or performing on a tread - mill is work , while rolling ten - pins or climbing mont blanc is only amusement 這個道理使他明白了為什么做假花和蹬車輪就算是工作,而玩十柱戲和爬勃朗峰就算是娛樂。

At dawn mont blanc was hidden in clouds , but when the sun rose the clouds disappeared and the summit was clear in sun 拂曉時分,勃朗峰躲藏在云朵后面;當旭日升起,云朵則消失地無影無蹤,峰頂在陽光下清晰可見。

The northwestern slope of mont blanc dominates the view from the town of sallanches in eastern france ' s haute - savoie department 意大利和法國政府還沒有就項目究竟是由政府出資還是使用私人資金的問題達成一致。

Located on the french - italian border , mont blanc is the loftiest peak in the alps and the highest point in western europe 意大利政府指責巴黎政府在何時重新開通白朗峰隧道的問題上搪塞。

Now people had started to doubt that perhaps climbing mont blanc wasn ' t possibe 此時人們開始懷疑,或許要攀登勃朗峰是不可能的事。

Mont blanc is the highest mountain in western europe 勃朗峰是西歐最高的山峰。